Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Two more good articles in TOI

Apart from article on Panic attack I found two more good articles which I am presenting here:

" Give more than you pomise, Do more than you intend to, For all good purposes, give more than you can. Aim for an ideal greater than the one you can immediately attain to. Talk only if you have something good to say." - Swami Omkarananda

" If you find yourself in fear, simply stop and ask yourself: "What am I afraid of?" When you get that answer, ask: "Well, why am i afraid of that?" Take it to the point where you can realise that the only fear you have is the fear of being wrong. Is that not a silly fear? If you are afraid of death, it makes no sense. You do not die. You are infinite and eternal. There need be no fear there" - Sue Yarmey

(Source "Sacred Space" TOI dated Oct, 09, 2007 Ahmedabad Edition)

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