Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Deviantart is a place where you can share your artwork. It can be anything from Photographs to 3D work to Web Interfaces designed by you. You meet like minded people there and you can share your knowledge with others, also you get to see some of the best works there.

Dax introduced me to Deviantart few months back. I became a member on July 25, 2007, but I was not posting anything till yesterday, when I have decided to post some of the stories I have been writing.

In the series I have posted Chapter1 titled "The Change" of my story (still unnamed). Do read it and your comments are always welcome. Soon I will be posting the Chapter II also.

Do visit my Deviantart page as I will be posting lots of stuff there.

Thanks Dax for showing me such a wonderful place to share art and meet wonderful people.

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