Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Deviantart is a place where you can share your artwork. It can be anything from Photographs to 3D work to Web Interfaces designed by you. You meet like minded people there and you can share your knowledge with others, also you get to see some of the best works there.

Dax introduced me to Deviantart few months back. I became a member on July 25, 2007, but I was not posting anything till yesterday, when I have decided to post some of the stories I have been writing.

In the series I have posted Chapter1 titled "The Change" of my story (still unnamed). Do read it and your comments are always welcome. Soon I will be posting the Chapter II also.

Do visit my Deviantart page as I will be posting lots of stuff there.

Thanks Dax for showing me such a wonderful place to share art and meet wonderful people.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Two more good articles in TOI

Apart from article on Panic attack I found two more good articles which I am presenting here:

" Give more than you pomise, Do more than you intend to, For all good purposes, give more than you can. Aim for an ideal greater than the one you can immediately attain to. Talk only if you have something good to say." - Swami Omkarananda

" If you find yourself in fear, simply stop and ask yourself: "What am I afraid of?" When you get that answer, ask: "Well, why am i afraid of that?" Take it to the point where you can realise that the only fear you have is the fear of being wrong. Is that not a silly fear? If you are afraid of death, it makes no sense. You do not die. You are infinite and eternal. There need be no fear there" - Sue Yarmey

(Source "Sacred Space" TOI dated Oct, 09, 2007 Ahmedabad Edition)

Panic Attack!

Times of India (TOI) normally arrives late in our area, hence most of the time, I do not get to read the fresh copy of it. When I return back home, my time goes in playing with kid . But sometimes like today, I get opportunity to glance at the copy of TOI.

Today I found some good articles, some of which I would like to discuss here. You might find it interesting too and I would be happy if anyone of you finds it useful and benefits from it.

First article I came across was about "Panic Attack". I won't be reprinting the whole article here but I would surely like to discuss about Panic Attack. In our day today life we pass through lots of emotions. Maybe of Joy, Sorrow, anxiety etc.

I came across such situation one year back. It was half passed midnight in the month of November, suddenly I woke up from my sleep, I was unable to breathe and my heart started to beat fast. My hands went numb and I felt as if my soul has left my body. I gathered some strength and forced myself to come out the situation. It was really tense moment for me. This again happened to me after few days, I felt this many times again. When I talked to my family doctor he diagnosed me with panic attack. However since I was not passing through any stress or tension he declared that it might be result of some subconcious thoughts going on in my mind. However through meditation and disciplined lifestyle I was able to recover.

Panic Attack is increasing in today's stress filled world. How will you identify if you are suffering from panic attack. Most general symptoms I can say are as follows:
  • Heart pounds
  • Mouth goes dry
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Head becomes too heavy
  • A sense of impending doom prevails

These could be sign of some other illnes too, hence its necessary to go to your doctor and get yourself checked.

Normally Panic attacks can be triggered in Closed spaces, Planes or Social Situations.
Doctor will help you identify the cause of the panic attack.

How small we are?

This image makes me think that How small our earth is compared to other big planets in the whole universe and also it makes me wonder how small we are?

This image gives Rough visual comparison of Jupiter, Earth, and the Great Red Spot of Jupiter.

(Image Source)

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Zune gets bigger and Smarter

On October 2, 2007 Microsoft announced that, Zune will now available in 80GB size. Its available for $250 and available in black color. Screen size is 3.2 inches. This will be called Zune 80 and the classic zune will be called Zune 30.

Zune 8 and Zune 4 are the flash based models of zune which will be available for $200 and $150 respectively. These will be available in pink, green, black and red and will have 1.8 inch screen.

Both Hard drive and flash based zune come with new Zune Pad which is a four way touch-sensitive pad.

Watch this video to see the new Zune80 in action.

To know more about zune visit Zune's Official Site and Official community Site

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Windows Mobile

Windows Mobile 6 InterfaceWhether you are a computer professional or not computer has become a very important part of your life, so are mobiles, an integral part of our life. combination of both, Windows Mobile has made life so much easier. You can manage your tasks using your Pocket PC (PPC), official and personal emails can be checked no matter where you are.

Office Mobile Suite allows you to access Word, Excel and Powerpoint files, Outlook mobile includes tasks, calender, contacts and inbox which can be synced with Outlook of your main PC. Windows Media Player allows you to play all popular media formats like .wma, .wmv, .mp3, .avi etc.

Most importantly if you are a DotNet Programmer you can use .NET programming language to design your customized software for your PPC.

HTC Touch

HTC Touch provide excellent interface named TouchFLO that detects a sweeping motion and can distinguish between a finger and a stylus. The TouchFLO features incoporating stylus-free access to music player, a photo album, a video player and a picture-based contact book.

If a single device gives you so much more will you prefer an exclusive MP3 player just for the sake of status symbol.

For more information on Windows Mobile Visit www.microsoft.com/Windowsmobile

For more information on HTC Touch Visit http://www.htc.com/product/03-product_htctouch.htm

People who changed the way cricket is played

I have been a very big fan of Cricket in all its form. Cricket is not only a game played with bat and ball but most importantly its played with mind. I have seen so many cricketers struggling hard to make their best but can’t do it, whereas some players have habbit of remaining on top. These are the people who take challenges and win the matches and heart of the people.

You will find example of many such people in game of cricket but here I would like to talk about two people the first one being “John Buchanan” earlier Australian Cricket Coach. John BuchananHe changed the way cricket is played, under his leadership Australia won Three World Cups in a row. Buchanan along with captain Ricky Ponting, led the Australian side to numerous successes, including a world-record 16 consecutive Test match victories and 23 ODI victories in world cup tournaments.

Ricky Ponting has always credited Buchnan for Austalia’s success, in his own words “It’s not easy to make a very good team still strive to better itself and while a fair credit is due to players, much of it should go to John Buchanan. He has really pushed us into trying to better ourselves and that would be one of his long-standing legacy.”(Quoted from Source: http://coachcyrus.wordpress.com/2007/04/29/ricky-ponting-thanks-coach-for-success).

M S DhoniMahendra Singh Dhoni is a name that has changed all that was requied for Indian Cricket team to win a Big Series and under his captainship we have won the ICC Twenty20 World Cup which is a very big victory after a long time. He is an agressive batsman and wicketkeeper of Indian team. Dhoni has scored highest of 183* against Sri Lanka.

He is a powerful hitter of ball, he has also shown matuarity to maintain his cool and play responsible innings whenever required by the team. Due to his aggressive batting, success on field and his personality he has become one of the most marketable cricketers of India.

Since Dhoni is now the captain of Indian Cricket Team, we can surely see a high rising graph of the whole team and we might win the next ODI world cup also.

Salute to these cricketing Legends.