Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Top 10 Ways to Raise Your Consciousness (Courtsey:TOI)

Originally this article was publised on my another blog

Whole night I was suffering from slight fever and body ache and was hence able to sleep only at 4 am. Got up at 10 am. Body is still paining and still having severe headache.

The Speaking TreeNormally I don’t get much time to glance through the daily newspaper. Today coincidently while getting ready for office my eyes spotted today’s “The Speaking Tree” Corner in TOI (Times of India). Its heading was “Top 10 ways to Raise Your Consciousness“. They might seem very simple to you, but I found them to be very interesting and at least we can give it a try. So here are those 10 points (I will be giving only main points so that you don’t get bored, if you want detailed article you can read the TOI or send me a mail and I will send you the full article):

1. Forgive yourself and others.

2. Practice Gratitude and appreciation.

3. Live each day as though it were your last.

4. Meditate or Pray.

5. Suspend Judgment: One judges another to feel less guilty about one’s own misgivings. Judgment energy is dense, dark and heavy. ON the other hand, unconditional acceptance is light, free and accepting.

6. View every experience as a gift.

7. Stay consciously aware of all your thoughts and feelings: It is easy to fall into negative patterns of complaining and feeling like a victim of society and your life. When you catch yourself in th negative zone, don’t feel badly about it and beat yourself up. Simply choose to switch your consciousness to one of gratitude and positive thinking.

8. Treat your physical body as your temple: Your body is the only vehicle you’ve been given for this ride called life. The better you care for your body by eating a healthy, balanced die, and by implementing a regular exercise routine, and by giving your body the rest it requires, the more you will experience increased energy, vitality, joy and freedom.

9. View the world through the eyes of a child.

10. give love, love, love from your heart.

These are the very basic points and the original article elaborates on the same. Due to shortage of time I am posting only main points, Maybe in my next post I will post whole article.

Source: “The Speaking Tree” article by Ronya Banks, Times of India, Ahmadabad Edition, Dt. Aug 04, 2007

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